R.P.Clarke Financial Services
Personal Insurance Planning

Life Insurance
Permanent and Term, but with many versions.

Some Uses

Maintains the life style of family members by replacing loss of income and paying of debts

Allows one to spend more freely in retirement without the fear of running out of money

Allows one to use assets that were originally intended to be left to beneficiaries

Estate Creation-Protection-Preservation
Mortgage Protection
Long-Term Care Planning

Some Features

Increasing, tax-deferred Cash Values in some plans

Limited premium paying period with some level premium plans

Pays out tax-free to beneficiary, including partial and full cash values

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Disability Insurance


Replace a portion of your income in the event of a partial or full disability

Some Features

Premium remains level for duration of plan

Partial refund of premium with some plans

Tax-free monthly benefit for plans that run 5 years to those that run to age 65

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Critical Illness Insurance

Permanent and Term plans with many versions.

Some Uses

Money needed to assist with expenses associated with critical or life-altering illnesses such as heart disease; cancer; M.S.; stroke; paralysis; blindness; ALS; Parkinson's; Alzheimer's, etc.

Proceeds could be used to pay-off debts or augment retirement planning - no conditions on how you spend the proceeds

Some Features

Term plans end at age 75 with both increasing and level premiums available. Permanent plans provide cover to age 100

Pays out tax-free. Some plans pay back 100% of premiums, currently in a tax-free payment

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Health, Dental & Travel Insurance Protection

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